Continuing last weeks discussion on the relationship between New Thought cults and the Word of Faith movement, we are joined by former New Thought proponent Melissa Doughtery and ex New Ager Steven Bancarz to examine positive confessionalism. This “name it and claim it†doctrine originated in the late 1800s with the teaching known as the Law of Attraction, first coined by Luciferian Helena Blavatsky, and became a staple teaching in New Thought and New Age philosophy. Statements such as “you possess what you confess†(Kenyon) and “you can have what you say†(Hagin) are classic lines by prominent Word of Faith fathers, though these principles originate from the metaphysical schools of the late 19th century. Positive confessionalism has worked its way into some very influential modern-day charismatic churches who have began to embrace the likes of Copeland and Hinn within their circles, refurbishing this doctrine under the new titles “declaration†and “decreeâ€. Join us as we discuss the pervasiveness, error, and danger of this staple WOF doctrine and its relationship to the New Thought cults of past and present.