In Part 3 we wrap things up with our guests discussing some concerns regarding The Alabaster Prayer House and briefly discuss whether or not Christians should practice Yoga or use the Enneagram. -Doreen Virtue spent 22 years as a psychic, mystic, and medium – writing over 70+ New Age books on everything from Crystal Therapy to Angel Communication before Jesus saved her and she renounced her old practices. -Melissa Dougherty spent a large portion of her young adulthood in New Thought (Law of Attraction) before renouncing those beliefs, and she now helps others do the same. Their passion is to bring awareness to New Age teachings and practices that have infiltrated Bethel, as it appears to be indicative of many Christians either welcoming, or being unaware of, New Age practices within the Church. Are New Age and Occultic practices irredeemable spiritual narcotics, or can we extract precious truths hidden within them because they really belong to the Kingdom of God? We want to invite all those who have attended, and especially those who currently attend, Bethel Church in Redding, California to listen in and be part of this important conversation.