April 20, 2013

Public-schools – Indoctrination – 4/20/2013

Should Christians send their kids into the public school educational system to be equipped and trained in a worldview that is antithetical to a Christian system? Can our children survive over 14,000 classroom hours in an unbelieving setting and be expected to overcome the long-standing statistic that upwards of 85% of kids raised in Christian homes- who attend public schools- abandon the faith by their Freshman year in college? Was the idea of state-run schools even based on a Christian idea or did it come from a worldview that is in opposition to Christ? What were Christian pastors saying would happen if we turned our kids over to a state-run education system?What about evangelism in the public schools?Isn’t this just escapism?Isn’t this an abandonment of the culture?Aren’t the public-schools neutral?Join-us for this incredible episode of Apologia Radio where we interview our special guest , Joaquin Fernandez, about the documentary-film he co-directed and co-produced called: Indoctrination. This is a must-see film! It will absolutely change the way that you think about the public-school system, forever.Be sure to share this with your friends and family. If we are going to leave a legacy for the Gospel, it absolutely must start with us and it must move into our children on into the next generations. It is our conviction that:Whoever shapes the minds of this current generation, owns the next generation.Head on over to indoctrinationmovie.com and check it out.Apologia Radio

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