On this episode of Apologia Radio our hosts tackle a major current event issue that demands an answer from the Christian community. We recently did an episode on Obamacare with Pastor Douglas Wilson. Since that episode the official roll-out of this legislation has begun. What has happened? How are people being hurt by this legislation? What are we obligated to say?We also tackle some of the interaction from our site with some Atheists. These Atheists made some drive-by comments and refused to accept an invitation to defend their position on the radio program. We talked through the issues anyway.Finally, we answer a listener’s question about the sovereignty of God in salvation. What do Calvinists say regarding the biblical concept of predestination? Is God thwarted by the evil actions of men or does His sovereign decree determine them for His purposes? What about “free-will”?You’re gonna love it!Apologia RadioAs always, please consider praying for and giving financially to the ministry of Apologia Church by clicking the donate tab on the homepage of apologiaradio.com