Join us for another exciting episode of Apologia Radio where we begin what will be a string of episodes going through the debate between JD Hall and Joel McDurmon on the Law of God. Today’s show begins to open the discussion by addressing some key points and foundations of how we should approach this issue as brothers and sisters in the Lord.Debate between Christians can be very healthy and profitable to God’s people. As a matter of fact, the entire Reformation was built upon debate. Men and women went to the Word of God and engaged one another. A lot of light was brought into the world as a result. There was also a lot of heat that didn’t produce as much light.The same can be said about this present debate. We want to aim for the former and not the latter.We were able to grab Dr. McDurmon for a few minutes of this broadcast. He helps us to open the discussion. There will be much more coming from both him and us, soon.We are very, very excited to present this discussion and even more excited to review the content with you. You can listen to the debate in its entirety here:As always, we are grateful for your love, prayers, and financial support of our ministry.  When you participate in this way you are colaboreres and partners with us as we bring the Good-news of salvation to the world and offer a defense of the Biblical Worldview.No King but Christ!Apologia Radio