Apologia Radio is a Christian radio program that aims to shake the foundation of Christian broadcasting by offering a hard-hitting, morning zoo, Gospel-centered, and culturally-relevant commentary on today’s post-modern society.
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Jeff and Luke continue their discussion on Shawn McCraney.
Join us for the newest episode of Apologia Radio in which we engage with some recent footage of the once popular ex-Mormon now turned universalist, anti-Trinitarian,…
We are thrilled to have our new friend John Lovell from Warrior Poet Society on to discuss feminism in the Church and how we combat it as Christian men.
You can find from John at…
We are thrilled for this opportunity for an exclusive interview with Navy Captain Brad Geary on the heels of an exclusive article released by our friends at the Sentinel, which…
Join us for this new episode of Apologia Radio in which we engage in a live debate/discussion between Jeff Durbin and Samuel Sey on the issue of Abolition Vs….
Eli Ayala from Revealed Apologetics answers your questions live.
Only on All Access!
Zach Conover answers your questions about the Problem of Evil, enduring dark nights of the soul, shepherding one’s household, Pentecostalism, whether unborn babies are…
Zach Conover answers your questions about Birth Control, Pro Life Rescues, Modesty, the Three Types of Law and more, only on All Access!
Pastor Jeff Durbin answers your questions about facing the loss of miscarriages, Baptismal Regeneration, praying to The Saints and more!
Zach Conover answers your questions about whether infants who die go to heaven or hell, mortifying sin, faithfulness in the military, Andy Stanley, Alcoholics Anonymous, and…
In this Episode we are asked to respond to Early Church Fathers who did not hold to a Reformed view of Predestination.
In this episode of Apologia TV we answer some of our audience questions.
On this Episode of Apologia TV we are joined by Ben Merkle to discuss his current projects and speak about an upcoming conference Strong Sons and Secure Daughters….
On this Episode of Apologia TV the crew answers a few questions including “can we become little god’s?”.
Jeff, Luke and Zach continue our discussion on education.
Jeff, Luke and Zack continue their discussion of an interaction Jeff had with a Roman Catholic outside the AZ Capitol.
Jeff and Zach continue our response to Leighton Flowers.
Jeff, Luke and Zach continue their review of the Leighton Flowers/James White debate on Unconditional Election.
In this episode of Collision Jeff responds to 5 common claims of Roman Catholics. We look at Mary, Sola Scriptura, The Pope and more.
In this episode of Collision Jeff provides commentary on the debate he and James White had in Salt Lake in April of 2023. The opposition were Jared Anderson and Dr. Deen Chattergee…
Watch as Jeff refutes the claim of Rome that Justification by Faith Alone is unbiblical and ahistorical. Jeff pulls no punches as he looks at Church History and the Scriptures….
Tate Round III. Jeff responds to an interview that Andrew Tate had with Candice Owens. The section of the interview in focus is when Tate talks about his conversion to Islam being a…
In this latest Collision, Jeff responds to a video put out by The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, also known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. Who is Jesus? That is the question we will…