
Aftershow 470 – Responding to Leighton Flowers

471. Richard Dawkins is a “Christian”?

Collision w/ Jeff Durbin: Atheist Debate Breakdown

Collision w/ Jeff Durbin: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Jesus

The Genesis of The Gospel

Collision w/ James White: James Responds to Andrew Tate’s Faith Journey

#54 – How to Share the Gospel in Everyday Life

#425 – Debating Atheists & Agnostics

Collision: The “christian agnostic” Brandan Robertson

Answering Objections to Jesus

Aftermath – Answering Anti Semitism & Counter Missionaries

#196 – Answering Anti Semitism & Counter Missionaries

#407 – How Should We Defend The Faith & Answering Live Questions

#405 – Exposing A Pro-Life Leader & Training To Defend the Christian Faith

#189 – Introducing Christianity to Mormons, Pt. 2

#188 – Introducing Christianity to Mormons, Pt. 1

#285 – Peace, When There is No Peace

#40 – Italy: How to Evangelize in a Tough Environment

Witnessing to Mormons

#147 – How To Talk To Hebrew Israelites. Pt. 2

#146 – How To Talk To Hebrew Israelites, Pt. 1

Defending Essential Christian Truths, Pt. 2

#26 – How to Witness to False Converts in Your Life

#354 – How to Argue with Unbelievers

Evangelizing the Pews: False Prophets and False Converts in America

Proclaiming the Kingship of Jesus

#333 – Did Jesus Lie? Responding To Morgue.

#317 – A Refutation of Jeff Durbin?

#3 – Part 1 : How to Discuss and Debate Abortion

Walter Martin & The Baptism Of Boldness

#263 – Responding to Ben Shapiro’s Rejection of Jesus

#262 – Reviewing Brother Macarthur & Shapiro

Bonus: Excellent Public Q and A on Mormonism

How to Love Your Muslim Neighbor with Dr. James White

#004 – Comedian Leland Klassen and Steven Anderson Refuted

#43 – Da Truth – Aftershow

Apologia TV #43 – DA TRUTH

AR #173 – Is Dr. Craig Dumbing Down Christianity?

Apologia Aftershow #19 – Sye Ten Bruggencate on Presuppositional Apologetics

Apologia TV #19 – Sye Ten Bruggencate on Presuppositional Apologetics

AR #149 – Want To Learn How To Talk To Mormons?

The Existence and Attributes of God Debate (AUDIO)

Mortimer Takeover and Glory Line Spectacular!

Aborting Abortion – Apologetic Ninjutsu Part II – 1/18/2013

On Being an Apologetic Ninja: No Neutrality – 1/11/2014

Crash-course on Mormonism – 12/14/2013

Jesus Myth (?), Hip-Harping, and IV Conerly – 12/14/2013

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