
241. Alien Revelations S1: Ep 7: Stranger Things: An Interview with Dr. Ray Boeche

237. Alien Revelations S1: Ep 3: Occult Rocketry: A Grimoire of the Space Race

#212 – Santería – Exposing Demons In Disguise, Pt. 1

#420 – Gay Interpretations of Scripture & UFO’s

#209 – Ritual Magic & The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Pt. 2

#379 – Apologia Radio W/ Cultish: Martial Arts and the Occult

#144 – Answering the Claims of WitchTok

Part 2: Navigating UFO’s & The World Of The Occult With Dr. Raymond Boeche.

Part 1: Navigating UFO’s & The World Of The Occult With Dr. Raymond Boeche.

#316 – Aliens, UfO’s, and the Occult

#291 – The New Age & the Occult

Part 2: Navigating The New Age & The World Of The Occult With Steven Bancarz

Part 1: Navigating the New Age & The World of the Occult With Steven Bancarz

Legions, Tarot, and Brooms, Oh My!

AR #202 – Satanism and Global Warming

Contacting Demons, Unity, – the Bethel Cult

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