How does the Christian look upon and relate to “the world”? There is much confusion in the church due to a failure to draw careful distinctions as to what we mean by “world.” You will find Dr. Bahnsen’s treatment of this subject helpful and cogent.
How does the Christian look upon and relate to “the world”? There is much confusion in the church due to a failure to draw careful distinctions as to what we mean by “world.” You will find Dr. Bahnsen’s treatment of this subject helpful and cogent.
How does the Christian look upon and relate to "the world"? There is much confusion in the church due to a failure to draw careful distinctions as to what we mean by "world." You will find Dr. Bahnsen's treatment of this subject helpful and...
Christianity as World AffirmingHow does the Christian look upon and relate to "the world"? There is much confusion in the church due to a failure to draw careful distinctions as to what we mean by "world." You will find Dr. Bahnsen's treatment of this subject helpful and...
Christianity as World ChangingHow does the Christian look upon and relate to "the world"? There is much confusion in the church due to a failure to draw careful distinctions as to what we mean by "world." You will find Dr. Bahnsen's treatment of this subject helpful and...
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