Join us for this very important new episode of Apologia Radio in which we engage with some of the recent comments by Thabiti Anyabwile in his recent post with the Gospel Coalition. It was titled, “We Await Repentance for Assassinating Dr. King”. We talk a bit about the popular new fad with many in the Evangelical church of creating a new version of “class warfare”. Only, in this case, it is an amplification of “racial” distinctions within the Christian community. The stuff is deadly and it is tearing us apart. We talk about it and make a plea for a biblical approach to the world and color. We are also joined by our good friend from CrossPolitic, Gabriel Rench. He updates us about their recent town-hall with some of the candidates for Lt. Governor in Idaho. The event caused a bit of a stir with the national media: Fox News, AP, and more. One of the candidates answered in the affirmative: should women who have abortions be punished by the criminal justice system? Don’t miss it! Share it with someone you love!