We are confident that many of you are aware of the conflict and conversation that has entered into the Christian community as of late concerning social justice and racial reconciliation. On the one hand, we have concerns that we have addressed in terms of how some have gone about bringing the conversation and in terms of some of the solutions offered. However, we are thrilled that many Christian leaders have entered into the discussion that many of us have been having for decades: true social justice. We know that God is the sovereign and when something happens in His Kingdom and church it happens for a purpose. So we see the silver-lining here and we want to offer biblical and godly conversation that aims at listening to one another and seeks God’s voice in how to experience transformation and healing. Does God have any concern for social justice in the New Covenant? Does God’s Word tell us that we are to expect or pursue social justice in the New Covenant? How do we address this issue without abandoning ourselves to the perverse social gospel of Protestant Liberalism? It turns out that there are real, clear, and abiding elements of God’s Law that we can all stand on together in our pursuit of justice in the world. Listen to this episode and find out. Share it with someone you love. We pray that this episode will be healing conversation to many of our wounded and it would be a course-corrective for those who may have started standing on answers that come from unbelieving thought rather than from God’s own Revelation.