October 29, 2018

#258 – Restraining Orders and Scary American Theology

Don’t miss the newest episode of Apologia Radio. In this episode we spend some time talking with a team in Michigan that has saved 77 lives! They are dealing with some legal trouble right now. We also review a recent, very disheartening, poll taken by Ligonier and LifeWay from American Evangelicals. The answers were very sad and downright theologically-scary. We also spend a few moments responding to some men who made some comments about our last episode. They believe that God wants people under the New Covenant to continue to obey the holiness code from the Old Testament (among other things). One of the men takes a jab at Jeff and wonders if he has spent as much time “reading the Bible as he has doing martial arts”. You can get more content at http://apologiastudios.com. You can partner with our ministry by signing up for All Access. When you do, you make everything we do possible. You’ll also get access to every TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. Sign up today! Soli Deo Gloria! Apologia Radio

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