March 25, 2021

#346 – Cults, Apostasy, and Shawn McCraney

Join us for the newest episode of Apologia Radio. We are joined by Pastor Jason Wallace. We discuss the sad apostasy of Shawn McCraney. McCraney leads a group in Utah in which he claims to have the “best approach to Christianity on the face of the earth.” What is this approach?

He denies the Trinity.He calls Mormons brothers and sisters.

He denies that Christ is still the God-man.He denies the final judgement, physical resurrection, and second coming of Christ.He denies that the New Testament commands regarding church order, authority, etc. are relevant any longer.

And, sadly, more. Shawn came out of Mormonism and for years was known as an “Evangelical” who reached Mormons.

He has fallen into apostasy and now denies all the biblical, orthodox, and historical definitions of the Christian faith.

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