An evil man entered Sandy Hook Elementary and began shooting children and teachers not long after he shot and killed his very own mother. Was this man sick? Or evil? Why does this sort of thing happen?If you have asked these questions over the past couple of weeks or your unbelieving family and friends have used the event as an attack on your faith:”Where was our ‘good’ God during the murder of innocent children?”Then we encourage you to download, listen to, learn from, and share this episode of Apologia Radio.We also discuss in great detail the government vs. Hobby Lobby. How should Christians respond to a government that is not only violating our right to refuse to participate in the murder of babies as a matter between us and God, but, also is violating the Constitution itself in demanding that Christian owned ‘Hobby Lobby’ begin paying for drugs that murder babies or pay 1.3 million dollars a day in penalties?Please, join our movement to bring the Gospel and to be salt and light to our culture by sharing this episode with others on your blogs and social networks.Soli Deo Gloria!