Listen in and share this episode of Apologia Radio where we provide a response to the woman who titled her videos with “I Love Abortion!” and “I Love Killing Babies!”.Last weeks episode contained our interaction with a chilling video made by a woman supporting Emily Letts. Emily is the “abortion doula” who filmed her abortion and uploaded it to YouTube for the world to see. Naturalmomma was overjoyed by Emily’s abortion experience and offered her full support and in her original video brought her beautiful daughter into a celebration of the culture of death.On this week’s episode we continue our response to her “I Love Abortion” video and discuss her attempted “response” to our show. She called it, “I Love Killing Babies”. The last two shows are excellent resources to equip the church with effective arguments refuting the pro-abortion community. Admittedly, her videos are hard to get through. However, these are the common arguments used ‘on the street’ and it is vitally important to be ready with an answer.Apologia Church has witnessed the preservation of the lives of over 30- babies in the last year and a half. Engaging this issue means the Gospel goes forth and babies are saved.Please:Share us. Pray for us. Give financially at Apologiaradio.comSoli Deo Gloria!Apologia Radio