This show promises to be true to Apologia Radio’s slogan:Gospel DrivenHard HittingCulturally Relevant(Emphasis on the hard-hitting)One thing is for sure: This is not your typical radio-program where you find yourself yawning while your mind wanders onto bigger and better things (How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?). This Episode of Apologia Radio will not only challenge you intellectually, theologically, and historically speaking; it will probably either inspire you or cause you to send a few tasty emails to us or our guests.We interview Tim Barton (son of David Barton) from Wallbuilders is an internationally recognized Christian organization that tells the true story of the theological/biblical foundations and worldview that were the shared presuppositions of the founders of this nation. What impact did the Biblical Worldview have on this country? To what degree did they apply it? What’s this business about the ‘separation of church and state’ even mean? Tim was an absolute delight to have on this episode and has a wealth of knowledge and his addition to this program is enlightening, challenging, and altogether awesome. Share this broadcast with a Christian or a secularist and watch them either jump with joy in praise to God or observe the steam pour out of their ears as they watch their public-education-induced, warped view of history melt away like butter on the hood of a car in the middle of a scorching Phoenix summer afternoon.We also share the broadcast with well-known FOX News guest, Pastor & columnist from and Pastor Doug Giles. Be forewarned, Doug is a Christian who believes that we should approach life with a no-nonsense and no-cowardice attitude when dealing with important cultural issues. Doug’s daughter was instrumental in taking down ACORN with her famous operation where she posed as a prostitute which led to an exposure of a corrupt organization and saving the public over 8-Billion dollars. Doug wrote a book called “Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls†that obviously has something to teach us. Love him or hate him, Doug has important insights that may make you laugh, cry or want to choke him. Either way, don’t say we didn’t warn you. So, if you are a person who only speaks in niceties and is just hoping the rapture whisks you away at any moment so you don’t have to pay any attention to the man behind the curtain (the culture) then you should probably pass on this episode.EXPLICIT CONTENT ON THIS EPISODE.