We didn’t know that God would be saving heroine and alcohol addicts from death and prison when we started Apologia Christian ministries just a few short years ago. We had no idea that we would see babies saved from death at abortion mills. We had hoped, but we didn’t know for sure, that God would use our outreach to the unbelieving community and the cults to bring people from around the world to Christ. We certainly had no idea that God would give us a voice that is reaching around the world from the United States to Africa to Australia. We’ll never get over it.Join us for this broadcast of Apologia Radio where we tell you the story of our church and let you hear the actual stories of just a few people that have been brought out of darkness into a saving relationship with God through the ministry of Apologia Church. If you have ever prayed for or given financial gifts to our ministry this will be especially encouraging to you: you are a participant in this with us.Listen in as we tell the stories of what God has done and is doing with Apologia Church. In this episode, you will find assurance and hope. Assurance that Jesus truly lives and is saving sinners today; and hope that amounts to guaranteed transformation for sinners that feel powerless. All of this is to God’s glory because of the work of His Son.On this episode we ask our listeners to be a part of Apologia Church’s replant. God has been blessing us in ways that are too complex and diverse to speak about on even a thousand radio programs. You can join with us in bringing the Gospel to the world, but specifically to the Phoenix-metro area. We have been given the opportunity to have our own building! With that blessing and with the other needs involved in a replant we are trusting God with a significant need:$200,000If you have been blessed by our ministry and believe in what we are doing, would you consider and think and pray deeply about giving toward our need? If every listener we have participates in just a small way we could be on our way to being able to replant our church in a way that would greatly impact untold numbers of lives. If you are willing and are able, would you consider giving a sizable donation that would satisfy this great need? We are trusting God for this. He has always shown up and taken care of ministry needs when there was seemingly no way it would be possible.Please join us in this. We need you. Please go to this link to give financially:http://www.apologiachurch.com/#!give/c251zYou can send donations to:Apologia Church P.O. Box 1545 Chandler, Arizona, 85244We thank you so much for participating in our Church’s mission to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to the world!Apologia Church