Listen-in to this totally unexpected edition of Apologia Radio in which we give you the actual audio of completely unplanned interviews with the two Christian couples in the national media that lost their businesses for refusing to engage in a business agreement with homosexual’s asking for wedding services: Melissa and Aaron (from Sweetcakes by Melissa) and Dick and Betty Odgaard (from Gortz Haus Gallery).In an amazing display of God’s providence, we ran into both couples (at separate times and locations) while at the NRB National Conference. We spent time speaking with both couples and we want you to hear it. We’re sure it will bless you!We also play some of the audio from another unexpected interview we did with Tennessee Representative Mark Pody. He is the man who is leading the fight for God’s Word and Biblical standards in the Tennessee legislature. Rep. Pody sat with us at the Capital and spoke about his commitment to God, the people of Tennessee, and the laws of the State of Tennessee. He is fighting to reject the SCOTUS’ opinion on gay “marriage” and to reaffirm God’s standards and the State of Tennessee’s definition of marriage between a man and a woman.Here’s the full-video:You don’t want to miss it! This is a tremendous gift and we are asking you to join with us in ministry by getting these amazing testimonies out for all to hear.That means ‘share it’ to those not familiar with dem’ intanets.No King but Christ!Apologia Radio