July 30, 2016

Apologia Radio #177 – Bible, Beer, – Tattoo Conference (?)

Take a listen to this brand-new and important episode of Apologia Radio! Many of you are aware of the history of Apologia Church, our ministry and focus in the area of drug and alcohol addiction, the many lives that God has transformed through Jeff’s Gospel-focused program for addiction he developed during his 4-years as the Chaplain at a Recovery Hospital (Redeemed Rebels), and our commitment to proclaiming the gift and need of sanctification in the life of a believer. Recently, however, there was a bit of unhealthy controversy that bred many falsehoods by a few “Christian news” outlets. The falsehoods abounded from the claim that Apologia Church held a “Bible, Beer, and Tattoo Conference” (Spoiler alert: Not true) to Apologia Church being a “hipster church” trying to be “cool” by attracting unbelievers using “carnal” means (Spoiler alert: Nope).On this episode, we talk about a few miscellaneous items then we talk about the history, beliefs, and practice of Apologia Church. We also spend some time refuting a few of the recent falsehoods. Apologia Church has a policy of ignoring much of the web-gossip and internet trolls. We believe it is important to respect our friends, brothers and sisters, and ministry partners enough to not assault them with unworthy conversation and content focused upon gossip and character assassination. We remain committed to that practice. Based upon the level of falsehoods and how far and wide they spread, we felt doing a show that would refute the claims and edify our listeners would be appropriate.Thank you for the love and encouragement you have sent our way over the last few weeks!God’s ProvidenceThere is a beautiful finish to all of this. Those of you who know our ministry and listen to our show and our sermons on a regular basis are well-aware of our ministry in the area of drug and alcohol addiction. We’re most known (locally) for our ministry to addicts. It just so happens, the trailer for our upcoming film/Bible study for churches and individuals that focuses on freedom from drug and alcohol addiction is finally done! The timing couldn’t be better (Genesis 50:20).We’d be honored if you viewed and shared this trailer and then go to Redeemedrebels.com to give towards the production of this film. There is an immediate and serious need for a Biblically-based, Gospel-saturated program for addicts in the local church. Pastor Jeff will lead viewers through the same course he took people through at the hospital and Apologia Church. It’s all about the Lord Jesus Christ, His Gospel, and the transforming work of the Spirit of God within the local church!Take a look for yourself! Then partner with us as we get this film (and book) into the hands of churches and people struggling with the issue of addiction everywhere.Soli Deo Gloria!Apologia Studios

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