Listen-in to the newest episode of Apologia Radio in which we respond to a recent video from Marcus Rogers. Mr. Rogers made another video addressed to Dr. James White. In the video he attempts to provide a Scriptural case for his false teaching.We are joined by our friend, Dr. Edward Dalcour ( Dr. Dalcour walks us through the history of this heresy and Jeff and Dr. Dalcour respond to Mr. Rogers claims. This is important stuff, folks. We hope it is a blessing to you and we would be honored if you let someone know about it!Would you like more? You can have it! When you partner with Apologia Church by becoming All Access, you will get all of our TV shows, our After Shows, and Apologia Academy where you get to learn from Dr. James White, Dr. K Scott Oliphint, Jeff Durbin, John Samson, Douglas Wilson, and more! Sign-up today at King but Christ!Apologia Studios