Listen-in and watch this newest episode of Apologia Radio in which we experience a first in our history. This is the first episode where we were forced to eject an invited guest from our show. (The full show can be heard at this episode, we talk about current cultural events in light of the Scriptures, we ask the question about how we should treat false teachers, and we have a discussion with Steve Camp (singer, songwriter, and pastor) about his personal views as a Christian as to why Donald Trump would be a good selection for President of these United States. In the course of this discussion, Steve made it extremely difficult to engage with his commentary and position. This led to Jeff attempting to get the conversation on track and asking Steve to allow him to be the host. Steve said:You’re no Sean Hannity.So, Jeff let him go.But, not before Steve took another swipe, saying, “This is what happens when I come on amateur shows”.Right after the show, Steve blocked Apologia Radio and posted this to his Twitter:”Was interviewed today (on Skype) by two amateur wannabe broadcasters. NOTE TO SELF: In the future, work only with professionals. smile emoticonDon’t miss it. We decided to go ahead and put the conversation up because the issues discussed are vitally important and foundational. Thank you all so much for your love and prayerful support of this ministry! We have exciting news! Pastor John Samson just completed the first lesson for his Apologia Academy. His Academy is on The Doctrines of Grace. We can’t wait for you to see it. It’ll be up for all of our All Access Partners very soon. Sign-up for All Access at apologiaradio.comSoli Deo Gloria!Apologia Radio