Get ready to be blessed down to your feet! On this new episode of Apologia Radio we present the typical Apologia flavor and flow: fun conversation and ferocious refutation of inconsistent theological positions from some gifted theologians, pastors, and scholars.A while back (go find it in our archive) we did a show with one of our favorites, John Frame, about a vitally important issue that has dramatic consequences on the church and her mission in the world: Two Kingdom Theology. Dr. Frame wrote a book on the subject and we think you should read it and listen to that episode. It’s important stuff and it’ll bless you.Recently, our good friend Dr. Joe Boot did a debate on the subject. It’s really good and it would make us really happy if everyone heard it. The content, theological conclusions, and consequences are worth our thinking very deeply about. Joe joined us for this episode to chat about the subject for a bit.It’s seriously awesome. We think you’ll agree. We hope you share it with someone.As always, thank you for loving us, praying for us, and partnering with our ministry by becoming a member of our All Access at’t forget to check out the Live-Stream of ReformCon at King but Christ!Apologia Radio