Don’t miss this new episode of Apologia Radio in which we examine the claims of some of the Mormon prophets. Our annual outreach at the Mormon Easter Pageant is upon us and we have Mormonism at the front of our minds. We play some clips of the outreach and we go through the tract that we hand out.Did you know that Brigham Young taught that Adam (from the Garden of Eden) is our father and out God and the only God with whom we have to do? Did you know that classic Mormon theology taught that Jesus was a polygamist? Did you know that Brigham Young taught that some sins were so serious that your own blood had to be spilled in order to atone for them?Make sure you share this episode with both Christians and Mormons! These episodes work as great online tracts!Are you signed up for All Access, yet? What are you waiting for? When you do you get all of our TV shows, our After Shows, and Apologia Academy! You also make every bit of all of our content possible: from our evangelism videos to our free podcasts and online teaching. God is using it to change the world! Partner with us as we bring the Gospel to the world!Soli Deo Gloria!Apologia Studios