Fresh from their visit to the National Right to Life Conference in Milwaukee, King Ginger and Zach Conover, our Director of Communications for End Abortion Now, fill us in on how the conference went and dissect several clips from some really great interviews they got. Some of these interviews include Father Frank Pavone, Bryan Kemper, and Carol Tobias, President of the the National Right to Life Committee.This is a really great episode that we feel thoroughly and accurately displays why we believe the “Pro-Life” movement has failed to end abortion in our nation.If you or you church have not yet signed up with End Abortion Now, please do so by visiting Please join with us in this movement to once and for all put an end to child sacrifice in our nation.As always, we greatly thank our All-Access subscribers. You literally make this happen and allow us to go to these conferences. If you are not yet subscribed, please do so by visiting Deo Gloria,Apologia Radio