Are Christians allowed to use cutting language when dealing with sin? Is it ungodly to use dramatic and graphic language when confronting sinful behavior in a culture? Listen-in to this new episode of Apologia Radio in which we work through the text of the Bible and examine how biblical heroes and prophets spoke about sin. In modern Evangelicalism we often find a standard of “pious” language that ends up making the writers of Scripture look purveyors of coarse jesting.Is it appropriate to hope that preachers of a false gospel cut off their own genitals? Is it appropriate to refer to homosexuals as dogs? How about an unfaithful church as a whore? The Bible does. How do we think about this in a way that glorifies God? How do we use the “serrated edge” in a way that is not gratuitous? Pastor Douglas Wilson joins us to explain how.Don’t forget to sign-up for All Access! When you do you get every TV show, every After Show, and Apologia Academy! You also partner with us and make all of our content possible!No King but Christ!Apologia Studios