There was a recent video posted of two pastors, Ron Vietti of VBF Bakersfield and Jim Crews of VBF Vegas. In this video, Vietti and Crews gave a public denunciation of what they called “Calvinism”. There were charges of heresy, doctrine of demons, blasphemy, and much more. What it really consisted of was one of the worst misrepresentations and screeds against Calvinism and Reformed Christians imaginable.Join us for this episode of Apologia Radio where we open the first few minutes of their talk and begin to respond to their claims.Pastor Jeff gives an invitation for a public debate on this topic. You can help. We are asking our listeners to join us in calling these men to be accountable for their claims and to be willing to defend their position publicly in formal debate. Jeff offered a respectful and gracious invitation for both Vietti and Crews to debate him on this subject in moderated public format. Please help us by sharing this episode with them and their followers in a respectful way and notifying them of the open invitation for a public debate.As always, we are grateful for your prayerful and financial support of our ministry. You can join us by sharing our episodes, praying for us, and giving at Deo Gloria!Apologia RadioRon Vietti’s Twitter:Â Crews’ Twitter:Â