December 24, 2022

Day 2 – Genesis 22:1-14

Apologia’s Celebration of God Becoming King

In this devotional series leading up to Christmas, Apologia celebrates the advent of the Messiah, the moment when God became man. The story of Jesus Christ is not a surprise or novelty; it was foretold in the Bible. People eagerly awaited the arrival of the Messiah, as God had promised in His Word.

The Story Foretold

The Bible, through the stories of Moses and the prophets, revealed the story of Jesus beforehand. While there were direct prophecies about Jesus, the story also had a glorious aspect. People, in their obedience to God and their fellowship with Him, unknowingly pointed to Jesus and His first Advent.

Abraham’s Role

Abraham, known as Father Abraham, played a significant role in this story. God promised to bless all nations through Abraham, who was to have countless descendants. However, the story takes a confusing turn when God instructs Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. This act, criticized by some, is a symbolic rehearsal of what God would do through Jesus Christ.

God’s Provision

Just as Abraham is about to sacrifice Isaac, God intervenes and provides a substitute sacrifice—a ram caught in a thicket. This foreshadows the ultimate sacrifice that God would provide through Jesus Christ. Abraham’s act of faith and obedience serves as a symbol of what God would do in the future.

Jesus, the Lamb of God

Almost 2000 years later, Jesus Christ, God’s only son, arrived at the same place where Abraham was prepared to sacrifice Isaac. Jesus, the lamb of God, carried the wood to the place of sacrifice. Advent is the celebration of God becoming king, the fulfillment of His promise, and the provision of the perfect sacrifice for the salvation and redemption of the world.

Let Earth receive her king! Merry Christmas, everybody.

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Study Questions

Question 1: God promised to bless the entire world through the children of Abraham. How is this promise fulfilled in the New Testament? See Galatians 3:7-9.

Question 2: The Bible says that Jesus is the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world. How does having an eternal perspective of the atonement reshape the way you view the story of Abraham?

Question 3: Reflect on the ways that Isaac was “rehearsing” the death of Christ. What makes the type of pattern prophecy we see in the story of Abraham different than the direct prophecies about Jesus?

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