December 21, 2022

Day 5 – Exodus 12:12-13

The Glorious Story of Advent

In the story of the Messiah’s coming, we witness the magnificence of God becoming a man. Jesus, the Son of God, dwelled among us, taking on flesh and living a perfect and sinless life. He died for the sins of humanity, rose from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of the Father. Through Jesus, God brings His blessings and overcomes the curse.

God’s Promises and Prophecies

This story was promised by God long before Jesus arrived. Specific prophecies foretold who the Messiah would be, when and where He would be born, how He would save His people, and the ultimate fulfillment of His mission. The obedience of the nations would be achieved through Him. Symbols and rehearsals throughout history pointed to this glorious event.

The Exodus and God’s Victory

Imagine the situation of the Jews at the time of the Exodus. They were enslaved and oppressed under Pharaoh’s rule, feeling hopeless and stuck. Their understanding of God’s promises through the Messiah was limited. However, they knew they needed deliverance from their bondage. God engaged in a showdown with the false gods of Egypt, demonstrating His power and revealing His victory. The plagues sent upon Egypt specifically targeted the gods worshipped by the Egyptians, exposing their idolatry.

The Passover Lamb and Jesus’ Sacrifice

In the Exodus story, God instructed the Jewish people to take an unblemished lamb without breaking its bones. They applied the lamb’s blood to their homes, signifying their faith and trust in God’s deliverance. When God’s judgment came upon Egypt, He passed over the houses covered by the lamb’s blood, sparing the occupants. This marked their release from slavery and the beginning of a relationship with God.

Around 1500 years later, Jesus, the Lamb of God, entered the scene. He fulfilled the foreshadowing of the Exodus story by becoming the perfect Passover Lamb. Jesus, sinless and righteous, was crucified during the Passover season. The Roman guards broke the legs of the criminals crucified beside Him, but they did not break Jesus’ bones, fulfilling God’s prophecy. His sacrifice and the shedding of His blood diverted God’s judgment from humanity, setting them free from the bondage of sin and allowing them to enter into a relationship with God.

The Glory of Advent

The story of Advent is one of glory and salvation. Jesus proclaimed, “Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. But if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.” He came to rescue humanity from the enslavement of sin, offering the opportunity for a restored relationship with God. This is the true reason why Christmas is glorious.

Let us celebrate the birth of our King, Jesus, who brings freedom and salvation to all who believe. Merry Christmas, everyone!

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Study Questions

Question 1: How significant is it that the story of Advent is one that God told long before it actually came to pass? In what ways does this bolster your love for God and trust in His Word?

Question 2: Reflect on the final plague of the firstborn and the institution of Passover. What does this remind us about the sacrifice of Christ on the cross as the fulfillment of these historical acts of judgment by God?

Question 3: The glory of Advent is seen in Jesus the Passover Lamb. How is the finished work of Christ and his blood superior to the “rehearsal” God had Israel carry out? See Hebrews 10:11-14

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