We are confident that you will be blessed to your toes while listening to this broadcast of Apologia Radio. We are joined in the studio by our friend, brother, and theologian with an exquisite British accent: John Samson. John discusses the biblical, theological, and logical implications of the Reformed doctrine known as “Limited Atonement”. This doctrine has been subject to much misunderstanding, ridicule, and even scorn. John straightens us out.We also respond to a critic who was very unhappy with our representation of Dr. William Lane Craig’s apologetic methodology. During our broadcast with our guest, Dr. R. Scott Oliphint, we referred to Dr. Craig’s quote during a public discussion wherein he said he was arguing for “general theism”. This critic made the claim that we were misrepresenting Dr. Craig (though, he never saw the public discussion we referred to) and that Dr. Craig does not argue for general theism. We demonstrate that Dr. Craig’s methodology does begin with arguing for “general theism”. We do this by quoting from Dr. Craig himself.You’re gonna love it. So, we’d love it if you shared it.Apologia Radio