Strap-on your safety harnesses guys. This is an incredible episode of Apologia Radio that brings the truths of Scripture and the Biblical Worldview into a head-on collision with the culture of death that is prevalent in America. Jeff, Luke, and Joy address the problem of abortion (the murder of human beings) as well as its common acceptance in our culture from a a unique angle: dialoguing with the very words of our President. The staff of Apologia Radio plays clips and interacts with audio from our President as he defended his position on abortion while running for the presidency and arguing while he was a Senator in opposition to legislation that would preserve the lives of babies that survive abortion. This show is an excellent show to share with friends and pro-life advocates who want to engage the abortion debate in our country and world.We also have a guest that we consider to be a genuine hero of the faith: Lisa Metzger. Lisa works with as well as She is a ‘sidewalk counselor’ and brings teams (including her family) to abortion mills in North Carolina. She and her teams minister to mothers scheduled to kill their babies. They minister with love, grace, compassion, information, and the Gospel. Because of their ministry they have been able to save the lives of literally hundreds of babies and have seen numerous people come into a relationship of peace with God through Jesus Christ.We feel honored and truly blessed by God to have had Lisa join us on this very special broadcast.This show needs to be shared. We are asking our listeners to join with us in promoting these programs that will encourage Christians in our culture to be salt and light and in the case of this program: abolish abortion forever!Apologia Radio