This is our greatest show to date!  We just raised the bar and changed Christian radio forever.  Trust us.  You’ve never heard anything like this on a Christian theology and talk show before.  Keeping true to our word, this episode demonstrates that you can kiss dry and boring Christian radio goodbye while tuning-in to Apologia Radio.First, we were honored to have David Barton from  David is a gift to the church.  He is internationally known as an historian that brings to light the clearly Christian foundation and beginnings of the United States of America.  Loved by Christians and hated by secular revisionists- you will be blessed by what you learn from David on this episode.  David has been featured all over national media news agencies, Glenn Beck, and even debated the co-president of the ‘Freedom from Religion Foundation’ on the biblical foundations of the United States Constitution.  We interview David on the Biblical foundations and history of the 2nd Amendment and the current attempt to destroy our freedom by secularists.  This is a must hear and must share episode.  Get it out!Then, we make Christian radio history.  Jeff, Luke, and Joy, have a competition where they have to call local Christian bookstores and ask questions that were prepared by the other guests.  They don’t get to see the questions until they are on the phone with the bookstore.  Whoever gets through the most questions without being hung-up on or losing-it by laughing… wins.  The loser has to receive a punishment decided by our listeners:  YOU!  Let the absolute hilarity begin!Apologia Radio