Does the fossil record prove that humans came from from a long chain of evolutionary processes that moved from fish through apes to us? Is the earth really billions of years old? Do we not have a foot to stand on? On this episode we have Sal Giardina from Sal was a joy to have on and clearly communicates the Biblical position of creation in a thought-provoking way. Sal takes us through the consequences of a Darwinian view of history and gives us tools to use in dismantling it. Sal knows his stuff and you need to get to know him. Check him out and use his resources. All you homeschoolers need to get to know him!We also talk about what the Bible says about the future of God’s Kingdom in the World. Is the world simply “going to hell in a hand-basket”? Does the Kingdom of Christ fail “in” history only to have the Lord return and rescue us? Or, does the Bible present a different perspective? Don’t miss this thrilling episode that will challenge you and whet your appetite for more study!As an added bonus: We add our new segment called “Awkward Church Moments” where some of our fans have posted some hilarious stories about awkward moments in church. Hilarious!Share it guys! And, please consider joining our support team for monthly support to bring the Gospel around the world!Apologia Radio