You simply cannot afford to miss this amazing episode of Apologia Radio where our staff bring Dr. Greg Bahnsen back from the dead! Jeff, Luke, and Joy, listen-in and respond to an old public debate that Dr. Bahnsen engaged in on the issue of gun-control/the 2nd Amendment. This couldn’t be a more timely and relevant episode considering the current attempt to infringe on the Biblical principle and right of self-defense with weapons and the 2nd Amendment (which is a matter of law). Listen and share this episode if not for this reason alone!We also respond to someone who is apparently a member of a newer version of AA we can affectionately call ‘Angry Alcoholics’. Yes, someone who is a devotee of AA was not very happy about our last episode contrasting the message of AA with the Gospel.Finally, it was time for Jeff’s punishment. During our prank-call contest, Jeff was the loser. Actually, he royally lost. Today, we punished him by having Luke and Joy write up the questions he was required to call a Christian bookstore with as one of his characters: Mortimar.Please share this episode and help the people of God bring a biblical worldview into collision with the culture.Apologia Radio