Our modern education system is producing some of the most ignorant people imaginable. We don’t know how to use critical thinking skills. We don’t know history. And we have been taught to memorize fallacious soundbites about history that have been developed out of an unbelieving worldview. Don’t know much about history? Not anymore. We bring in Dr. George Grant from The King’s Meadow Study Center (kingsmeadow.com). After this episode you will grow very fond of Dr. Grant and his work.This show will equip you and set your course aright when it comes to all things worldview and historical study. You will learn a bunch on this episode. You may even feel a bit cheated about what you’ve been taught. Don’t be discouraged. We send you on your way to begin a lifelong study of genuine history that could radically transform your view of the future.As always:Listen. Pray. Give. Share our Episodes.No King But Christ!Apologia Radio