This is an extremely important topic that the church CANNOT afford to be ambivalent about! About 3,000 babies are murdered every day in our nation alone. The death toll is one we can hardly wrap our brains around. We are told in Scripture to hold back those stumbling to the slaughter, and never in the history of the world have humans been murdered on such a relentless and massive scale. While babies are burned alive in the womb, their arms torn off their bodies, their heads crushed, and their necks snapped, we drive by the clinics where this is done legally with hardly a thought. How can that be? How can politicians and activist groups that claim to be pro-life pass legislation that does not call abortion what it is—murder? Zach helps us think through these issues, and tells us how we can battle this great evil of our age with God’s word. Listen to Zach’s show #ThisIsWhy on Apologia Studios Facebook and Youtube pages and get learning!