Have you ever struggled with answering questions about how we actually know- with certainty!- that Jesus is in fact the One He claimed to be? Are you wanting to grow deeper in your understanding of how we can explain the facts surrounding our claim that Jesus is the Messiah? Do you want to be able to provide an apologetic to a person that is asking you how you know Jesus is the One that was promised?On this episode of Redemption Radio, Jeff Durbin walks our listeners through an easy-to-remember study that he created (and is putting in book form) to help explain the certainty we have in our trust in Jesus as Messiah. This study is part of a message that Jeff gives monthly at Calvary and has given across the nation. God has used this discussion to bring many of His people to Himself.Share this with your friends and family!Listen live to part I here:Your browser does not support the audio element.