Popular Conservative commentator, Jesse Lee Peterson, had Jeff Durbin on his national radio program for the second time. This time Jeff and the crew joined him in his studio in Los Angeles. They spent time talking about abortion and #endabortionnow and then things (once again) took a turn toward cringe. It is apparent that Jesse holds to a very unbiblical view of sin and salvation and Jeff and Jesse scrap a bit.We hope that it blesses you in some way. It’s a fantastic example of why learning exegesis and sound Biblical hermeneutics is so important. Jesse is all over the place and it is abundantly clear that he isn’t at all familiar with how we got our Bibles.Strange thing is:Jesse is known as Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson and is the pastor (of a church he founded).If nothing else, this is at least entertaining.Soli Deo Gloria!Apologia Studios