February 21, 2013

Marijuana, Joel Osteen, – Abolishing Abortion – 2/23/2013

What is a consistent Christian response to the marijuana issue? Should we pull out our favorite bong and go to work?Do you agree with Joel Osteen’s statements on Larry King live when he said that it is possible to not follow Christ and be right with God? How should the body of Christ respond to a false-teacher like Joel Osteen?Finally, How do we work toward the abolition of abortion? Is it appropriate to use graphic images of murdered children after an abortion? Will this really help us to end abortion?We interview Jason Walsh from ‘The Center for Bio-ethical Reform’ (Warning graphic-site:http://www.abortionno.org/) and he walks us through the work they are doing in bringing graphic images of murdered children to colleges and high-schools across the nation. Jason equips us with a biblical worldview response to this vitally important issue. Get ready to have your heart pricked. This episode is sure to work on your heart and make-ready your feet to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the culture of death expressed in abortion.Share this episode with your friends and family. Let’s get to work. Salt and light, people of God…Apologia Radio

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