We are joined by well-known author, pastor, theologian, debater, and social-commentator: Douglas Wilson. Pastor Wilson- widely known from the film ‘Collision’ wherein he debated the late Atheist Christopher Hitchins- spends an hour talking with the hosts of Apologia Radio about the proper Gospel-centered and biblical response to the “legislative corruption” which is ‘ObamaCare’.Wilson believes that ‘ObamaCare’ is:the greatest larceny committed upon a people in history.He runs us through the theological issues at stake and calls upon the Christian community to move forward with courage as a prophetic voice against what can best be described as wickedness and theft.But, should Christians be involved in this discussion? Isn’t Jesus Lord in a different realm? Aren’t Christians to “obey the governing authorities”? Does the Church have any right speaking out against government sponsored theft and fraud?Find out what the truly biblical response to ‘ObamaCare’ is. This episode is extremely timely and needs to be heard by the Church in The United States of America.Please share this episode with everyone you know and all over social media. Help us to be a voice of truth. Help us to be salt and light. Get this episode into the hands of the national media as well as your local news agencies.Apologia Radio