In our latest series we delve into the dark and world of Charles Manson and are joined by Dr Robyn Hall who obtained her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Midwestern University in 2016. â € â € She was saved by grace in 2011 and has been a member of Apologia Church since that time. â € â € Dr. Hall’s primary area of expertise is in the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress resulting from various trauma. â € â € Her dissertation focused on the treatment of PTSD in United States combat Veterans and she completed her predoctoral internship at Arizona State Hospital. â € â € Until recently, Dr. Hall has worked in private practice as a Psychologist in Mesa, Arizona. Dr. Hall’s is currently on sabbatical to focus on her growing family.â € â € Nearly 50 years after the Infamous murders took place. people have still tried to grasp and understand who he was and why he did what he did. â € â € In our first episode we start at the very beginning from his early childhood and explore many of the sociological aspects that made him who he was. â € â € This is the first part of our extended true crime series.