February 27, 2015

Preaching the Gospel, The Debate, and Unity – 2/28/2015

Join us for an incredible broadcast of Apologia Radio where we are joined by our friend Tony Miano with Cross Encounters Radio and from the film ‘Babies Are Murdered Here’. Tony blesses us with an excellent discussion on evangelism, the state of the modern Evangelical church, so-called “friendship evangelism”, and his experience being arrested in London and Scotland for preaching the Good-news.We also speak for a few moments about the God, Governments, and Culture Conference and the Theonomy debate. We are thrilled for everyone to both the conference and the debate. We also speak on the issue of Justification by faith, the Christian’s relationship to the Law of God, and fighting for unity and love within the body a midst controversy.We are grateful for your love, prayers, and financial support of our ministry. You can give to the work of Apologia Church and partner with us in ministry by going to apologiaradio.com and giving by clicking on the donate tab.No King but Christ!Apologia Radio

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