Join us for one of our new favorite broadcasts of Apologia Radio. We are joined by Dr. Kenneth Talbot of Whitefield Theological Seminary ( We chop it up with Dr. Talbot over the Puritans, the Law of God, justification by faith, and much more. Listen-in as Dr. Talbot talks about his passion for “the Puritan Revitalization Project”.We also chat about the upcoming God, Governments, and Culture Conference in Tempe, Arizona, February 19-20. The conference will include sessions by Dr. Joel McDurmon, Jeff Durbin, Sye Ten Bruggencate, Marcus Pittman, Ivey Conerly, and John Crawford. The final night of the debate will include a debate between Joel McDurmon and JD Hall on the Law of God. Get your tickets at always, we are grateful for your love, prayers, and financial support. You can join the ministry of Apologia Church by letting everyone you know about us, sharing our episodes, and by giving financially at you!No King but Christ!Apologia Radio