Would you believe it if we told you that our friends and hosts of Backpack Radio had the nerve to engage in a public dissing of our wonderful and theologically scrumptious show? We couldn’t believe it either. After a very short-lived period of mourning, the hosts of Apologia Radio felt compelled to respond. But believe us when we tell you:Backpack Radio shoulda’ neva’ stepped into the ring!Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, baby! Listen-in to Apologia Radio wherein we offer our loving, yet powerful, irrefutable, and hilarious response to Spiritual Fanny-pack Radio’s (Backpack Radio) hosts.You’ll thoroughly enjoy this fun and playful rivalry between two shows that are actually best-buddies. But don’t tell anyone.We also speak about the Supreme Being (read: Court) of the United State’s recent ruling to promote the public acceptance of the destruction of marriage in their overturning of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). We speak about the need to reach the same-sex attracted with the Gospel of peace and the absurdity of calling “circles”… “squares”.Finally, we spend a brief moment responding to a recent video made by one of our past call-in Atheists critiquing Jeff and Sye Ten Bruggencate.Apologia Radio