We were joined by Cathi Herrod (Center For Arizona Policy) to discuss the highly controversial new bill: SB 1062. All eyes were on this new bill that was recently passed. Governor Brewer just used her authority and vetoed the bill. Proponents of the bill were saying that the bill was simply adding layers of protection for people with religious convictions. They say a Christian should not be in a position to be forced to provide services for someone when it would violate their faith. Proponents cite examples from a bakery being forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding to a pharmacist being forced to provide an abortion pill. Proponents argue that there is a growing danger and clear examples of people of faith being sued because they won’t act against their conscience. They argue that no one should be forced to act in ways that are contrary to their faith. A Jewish cafe should not be forced into providing BLT’s to their customers simply because “they have a right to it”.Opponents of the bill were heavily engaged in a ferocious fight against this. They claim the bill would have provided opportunity for people to refuse service to anyone for any reason and would have been used as a tool of hate and discrimination. The advocates for the Governor’s veto of this bill were entrenched in the argument that this type of bill would have brought us back to the days of ‘White’s Only’ water fountains and ‘Colored Only’ seats on a bus. The opposition of the bill seemed to find the greatest comparisons to be made with racial discrimination. But, what is the truth? Have did opponents of the bill actually think through its implications? Are the proponents just hate-mongers and bigots?Find out.Share. Like. Pray. Support.Apologia Radio