Jeff Durbin preaches a message on what the Bible has to say about socialism, taxation, and Biblical economics. We talk a lot about apologetics at Apologia Church. Wouldn’t you know it with a name like Apologia (from the Greek: a reasoned defense). We often remind one another that the Triune God of the Scriptures is the central reference point for all truth. Without Him, we are reduced to absurdity and foolishness and cannot provide a meaningful foundation for any claim to knowledge. The Biblical Worldview is the necessary starting point for knowledge and wisdom. This is not simply true concerning so-called ‘religious matters’. This is true in reference to everything: art, logic, arithmetic, beauty, morality, and political discourse.We are close to the end of another election cycle. This particular election has a fervor not completely unlike any other. Everyone thinks that EVERY election is the most important one. However it is a fervor that cannot be missed due to the unique nature of the two main candidates. As a Minister of the Gospel, it is my duty to equipment the people of God under my care to face the issues of life in a way that glorifies God. Therefore, I felt it necessary to provide an important foundation for Apologia Church in terms of one of the most important things we need to know and be concerned with regarding government; irrespective of the current candidates and irrespective of who wins the presidency.These are “love your neighbor” kind of issues. These are issues we all must speak prophetically into and can all permanently agree to and have unity around.