Recently, the Roman Catholic communion installed their newest pope: Pope Francis. There have been a lot of recent positive statements of support for the Pope by popular evangelicals like Rick Warren, Luis Palau, and more. But, has Rome changed her position on the gospel? Has Rome lifted and repented of its condemnation of the gospel taught by Christians? Has Rome lifted the numerous anathemas it pronounced upon every Christian who believes in justification by faith alone in Christ alone? The answer is a resounding: No!How should Christians relate to Rome? Should we kiss the ring and return to Papa? Should Christians abandon the Gospel clearly communicated in Scripture in the light of the new age of religious tolerance? Should we submit to the Pope in Rome considering that the communion has taught that there is no salvation outside of the Roman Catholic church and submission to the Pontiff?Our position can be summarized by Dr. R.C. Sproul:”We must remember that it is not we who anathematized Rome, but Rome that anathematized the gospel and thereby anathematized itself. The issue is not even really the condemnation of Protestants (those wounds are easy to heal) but the anathema against the gospel. The evangelicals who remain authentic witnesses to the gospel of grace alone through faith alone, therefore, are carrying on the Catholic faith.”We were joined on this broadcast by our good friend, John Samson, from & reformationtheology.comThis is a timely, vital, and foundational show. Share it with everyone you know.Apologia Radio