Has the pro-life movement failed? Join us for this wonderful episode of Apologia Radio where we interview our special guest Marcus Pittman from Crown Rights Media. Marcus and his team from Crown Rights are working on a documentary called, “Babies Are Murdered Here”. The film, directed by Marcus, is engaging the culture of death specifically expressed in abortion. Babies are being murdered. Tens of millions of babies are being murdered. Marcus and his team are exposing abortion, the parents who participate, and the abortion industry using the Scriptures as their foundation. No cowardly language. No mincing words. Babies are being dismembered in our communities and Crown Rights is working to expose it and end it. Crown Rights believes we need to not only end abortion, but, that our justice system and civil magistrate needs to conform to God’s standards of justice for parents who kill their children. Go to babiesaremurderedhere.com and support the film and movement!Next, we are joined by John Samson, author of “12 what abouts”, which is a book answering some of the most common questions regarding the Doctrines of Grace otherwise known as: Reformed theology or Calvinism. This is the second broadcast we were honored to have John join with us on. What are some of the questions you have had? Listen-in to this broadcast and get solid, biblical, and life-changing answers! Then, after you listen, share it with your friends! Get your copy of the book at effectualgrace.comWe also touch on the issue of Starbucks as an activist organization for the gay “marriage” legislation agenda and a supporter of Planned Parenthood. Should Christians support Starbucks? Can we agree to love one another and not destroy each other over this issue?Of course, we also mention Luke’s beard.Apologia Radio