Dr. John MacArthur and his decades of ministry have been a gift from God to the Church in our generation. The fruits of his faithful labor will benefit God’s people for generations to come. Recently, however, Dr. MacArthur held a conference: The Strange Fire Conference. To be clear, a public refutation of the false teachers, false prophets, and aberrant practices involved in so-called “Charismatic” gatherings is not only important, it is required of ministers of the Gospel- like Dr. MacArthur. But, were things handled appropriately? Could the men of God involved have done better? Should they have been more precise and careful?Listen-in to and share this excellent episode of Apologia Radio with your friends and family where we applaud and encourage the necessary correctives that came out of the conference, but, also offer a critique of the conference from the perspective of Reformed ministers of the Gospel that are also not considered ‘Charismatic’.We hope this episode works as an encouragement for more loving, respectful, careful, precise, and thoughtful interaction on this vitally important issue. Our hope is for a future of unity amongst true brothers in the Lord and precision in our critiques.Apologia Radio