On this new episode of Apologia Radio we are joined by our good friend and Hip-Hop artist, Ivery Conerly. We produced this episode with heavy hearts and a deep desire to see healing take place. You may be aware of the significant discussion and fall-out over the last couple of weeks (due in large part to the recent MLK Conference). Racial divides are very much alive and well at the moment and much of it has been brought into the church by a foreign worldview and ideology (more on this in the weeks to come). Here is some of the recent conflict: Thabiti: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/thabiti-anyabwile/await-repentance-assassinating-dr-king/ Dr. James White: http://www.aomin.org/aoblog/2018/04/09/the-racialist-lens-disrupts-true-christian-unity-a-response-to-thabiti-anyabwile/ Douglas Wilson: https://dougwils.com/books-and-culture/s7-engaging-the-culture/dear-thabiti.html?platform=hootsuite On this episode we discuss the problem of hatred and tribalism in the world and in the church (read: racism). We embrace the need to be sensitive to real hurt within the black community and we talk about the need to reject humanistic and unbelieving starting points, tactics, and strategies to address the problem of “racism” and justice. We hope and pray that this episode adds to the renewal and healing process. We are all one family in Christ. We have to fight to act like it.