Please watch and share this very important film with Dr. James White (, Dr. Michael Brown (, and Jeff Durbin ( These well-known and respected Pastors, Christian Apologists, and radio show hosts have a vitally important discussion about the recent United States Supreme Court ruling about gay “marriage”. This roundtable discussion engages with this important social issue and the gay revolution in the context of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah.What are the historical roots of the gay revolution? What happened at Stonewall? What is the loving and faithful response of a biblical church? How do we reach out and resist in a way that glorifies God and shows compassion and commitment to our neighbors? What are the arguments against proponents of this ruling? How do we answer challenges against the Christian position?Please watch this important film and share it with your friends, family, social networks, and any media outlets you have connections with. This issue is very important as it impacts people’s lives for now and eternity.For more content, please go to Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel so we can get you more free resources that will hopefully be a blessing to you, your walk, and your witness for the Gospel in our current culture. Consider joining us in our ministry by participating in our Apologia All Access in which you get our TV show, After Show, Apologia Academy (Coming Soon), and more. Sign up at God richly bless you.PS: As an added bonus, we also included within this post, the audio of the entire conversation! It’s on iTunes right this very moment. Subscribe to us on iTunes to get our podcast if you have not done so already click here.